Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Very Difficult Time For Some Children

Good Saturday everyone.

For those of you who are unaware of what hundreds of thousands of us Mainers have gone through the past week  and continue to go through, let me give you a brief description.
A "wicked" wind storm blew through our State Monday creating such havoc that we haven't seen the same since the great ice storm a decade ago.. Many homes went without power and a generator and continue to go without as of this posting. My family was without electricity but we were fortunate enough to have had the gift of a generator that helped feed my family a hot meal, unlike many thousands of others.
At CCES, Central Community Elementary School in Corinth, Maine, children found refuge from the cold and were able to eat a hot meal while in school, which for many was the ONLY hot meal they had during the week.
My family and I have extended a hand and offered to pay for any hot meal these children wished to have for November 2 and 3. This will assuredly run into a lot of money so this is why I am posting this offer below. AND pay one particular attention to what my 6 year old son is doing as well.


As you are aware, our family is paying for hot meals for children for this past Thursday and Friday at Central Community Elementary School in Corinth, Maine for those families who were without power and did not have a generator in order to provide a hot meal at home during the power outage. We are forwarding every single cent from profits from my third cookbook in order to defray the cost. My 6 year old son, who is pictured on the cover, has ALSO decided to give his profit to this cause. Something to think about.....

There are a couple different options for you. The first would be to contact either me or CCES and donate directly if you would like. For just $4, you can help with the cost for 1 student for both days.

Or you can buy my latest cookbook, called The Sweet Fight for $19.50. This price includes having the book shipped to my home, signed by both of us and with a personalized message from both of us thanking you for the help with this cause. I will then package and ship it to you.

This offer holds true to the Kindle version of my book as well. All proceeds from Kindle for the next 10 days will be used toward this cause.

The last option is a great one. You can purchase BOTH my second cookbook AND my third cookbook(entitled REFRESHED) for $35 with the same shipping as above. BUT, I only have 5 REFRESHED cookbooks left.

If interested, message me here and I will forward my address so that you can mail a check or money order. On November 15, I will send in the order and get the ball rolling. All orders must be prepaid as soon as possible.

I can't tell you how meaningful this is to me, my family and those kids who will were benefited by your kindness. AT the very last, I would adore any and all SHARES of this post. Again, thank you for your kindness.

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