Tuesday, July 4, 2017


I am so sick of the term BULLYING being used over and over again in the public, social media AND our policital stages. It has gotten to the point where it is used simply to evoke emotional outrage and to enable those who have NO idea what bullying really is in order to garner sympathy.

 If those of you who use this term for a false sense of sympathy, then you certainly have mine. But not for the reason you seek.

If you have ever been bullied, then you know that it is an action that should never be repeated. Let's put this in persepective.

If a female was brutally raped, she not only has to overcome the physical scars, but the emotional torment lasts for years, if not all her life.

When someone uses the term rape for sympathy without having been raped, that is highly offensive to those who went through that terrible ordeal.

"I feel I was emotionally raped....." is the term I often hear from those who seek attention. Can't you find another term? Unless you were actually physically raped, you just don't have a clue what one goes through.

The same holds true for bullying.

I see, incessantly, how certain people in the public arena are actually bullying someone by calling them names, questioning their emotional and psychiatric stability, verbally provoking violence against someone and sitting back to watch it all unfold. They smile when others support this behavior. But when this person who endures this bullying lashes back in any manner, the people who bullied are saying THEY are being bullied.

In school, when I was ACTUALLY bullied by guys and girls, I had finally decided to lash out after months of this treatment. I remember having a fight with one of  my many tormentors at school and when all was over, I came out of it holding my head high because I felt good that I wasn't going to be a sitting duck any longer.

That person was embarrassed and simply walked away afterward.

The earliest definition of the word bully was someone who was hired to do violence.

NOT someone who either defends themselves or seeks to equal the playing field.

NOT someone who gives it right back to those who seek to either destroy, slander or demean him or her in any way they can.

Let's get this right people!

First and foremost, if you think I am being political, you may be right, but NOT for the reasons you may think.

If you are thinking I must be defending someone who may have issues, who may not make all the right decisions, who may not be the best president we have had, who may be a little thin skinned, who may need to grow up a bit....you may be right.

Sure, this person is an embarrassment in ways I care not to discuss here now, but it does NOT, DOES NOT, give people the right to seek sympathy by telling everyone that THEY are being bullied, when in fact, they are the bullies.

I find this highly HIGHLY offensive, and I don't believe I have ever been offended before in my entire life. But this hits home deeply.

But do you know what really hit home? What, to me,  really crossed the line. And for most of you, it is a "nothing burger", but it troubled me. Watching CNN one day a couple weeks back, there were two male hosts that were apparently listening for the first time what Jared Kushners voice sounded like. They began laughing and silently ridiculing the higher than normal pitch of his voice! ARE YOU KIDDING ME CNN? To top it off, I wanted, so badly, to somehow contact BOTH male hosts and compare MY voice next to theirs. Mine is much deeper and authoritarian then either of theirs.
It is stuff like that that is completely uncalled for and is done for one reason only!

To humiliate!
And THATS not another sign of a bully???

I am friends with people in social media who bullied me to tears(and way beyond)and I just can't get over it. Why?

Because they have either deemed it a minor ocurrence in their life(without seeing what it actually did to me)or if they do realize they did something horrible to me, they have never apologized.

Bullying goes so much deeper than simple name calling and an "elbow in the side" "under your breath" statements and mocking.

True bullying is something that an all encompassing strategy to completely humiliate and destroy someones psychological structure without caring about the end result.

And for those of you who are defending a bully, you are absolutely no better than those school yard kids who stood behind the person who bullied me every single day. You did NOTHING!


In fact.....

By your simple silence, you enabled.
By your laughter, you enabled.
By just standing there and watching without walking away, you enabled.


I have taught ALL my children to say "I am sorry." to anyone they may have hurt, offended or simply to make them feel better because of something they inadvertantly did to cause heartache to someone.

This is called morality. This is called humane. This is called being a decent human being!


So for all of you who are seeking sympathy or use this word as a rallying cry for your cause.....




You demean this, all too real, word as you are demeaning the person that you are bullying. You should be ashamed of yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Well said chef. I followed your link from twitter and glad I did. I too was bullied and am HIGHLY offended by the misuse of the term. Although I can't stand Trump, and he may have "bullied" in certain ways, that DOES NOT give the news networks(NOT Fox though, they have never done this)right to bully and then turn around and cry foul when they are attacked because of their behavior. This is NOT humanity.
