Friday, November 18, 2016

To The New York Yankees

I have always abhorred bullying in any manner. I remember as a child being bullied to no end and I have a soft spot in my heart for children who are bullied even today. It truly saddens me when I see it happen day in and day out, even online. So when I see that you folks filed an extension of time in order to determine if The Yankee Chef negatively impacts your brand, the very first thing that came to mind is the term bullying, trademark bullying to be precise.

I took the time to peruse the objections you have filed over the years and for the life of me, I do not understand how you think a TRUE Yankee would impact the New York Yankees. It completely and utterly boggles me. Why? Let me count the ways.....


First and foremost, I AM A YANKEE. My family have been Yankees since 1635!!!! If anyone thinks, even for a minute, that they can diminish my heritage in any manner simply because an entity has the money to frivolously own a group of people, they are mistaken. Not only because my family(as many thousands of others)have been Yankees longer than baseball has been around, but the word Yankee itself is in the dictionary. That reason ALONE precludes ANYONE from "owning" the name.

It is the exact same thing as if I were calling myself The Indian Chef. The Cleveland Indians would have zero standing to oppose my name. Other examples?

The Viking Chef, The Cowboy Chef, The Chief Chef, The Pirate Chef, The Athletic Chef(I kinda like that name, hahahaha), The National Chef........ do I really need to go on and on?

Please see my article(as well as ANY encyclopedic entry)on the term Yankee at:


In the meantime, and without giving away too much, how about Yankee Candles, Yankee Magazine, Yankee Pacific, Yankee Spirits, Yankee Estate Sales....and the list goes on and on.


We have Yankee Swap Parties, Yankee ingenuity or even Yankeetown, Florida. This is a fraction of things with the word Yankee in the title.


Although I absolutely think you should protect your brand, please do not bully the small guy who is 100% entitled to be called The Yankee Chef, especially since I am a third generation CHEF who happens to be a Yankee and NOT a baseball player. Heck, and not to be mean spirited, but New Yorker's aren't even Yankees, and most probably are happy about that, LOL.


Regardless, take all the time you need, but don't prevent someone from calling themselves a Yankee. I have more of a footing to challenge YOU for calling yourselves Yankees than vice-versa, but that would never happen.

If all you need is a disclaimer, than I would be more than happy to provide one here on my site, although I think it is a little(okay, a LOT)foolish. How's this?


I am a Yankee, not a baseball player and my brand has nothing to do with baseball, stadiums, mascots, sports, sports teams or a league.

                                 It's Just That Simple!™



  1. That's crap my friend. Nothing against the Yankees(even though I am a sox fan) but do they REALLY think they can own the Yankee name. I am too a Yankee with a long heritage and this makes me want to puke. Especially since we just went through an election showing that the smaller man won. they need to get over it, grab their pacifier and go sulk somewhere.

  2. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!!!!! That's some crazy you know what. Bullying the little guy yet again.

  3. Are you serious. Damn, dont they have better things to do than bully for Gods sake

  4. Why dont they go after the big boys, like the group Damn Yankees, the movie Yankee Doodle Dandy or ANYTHING called Yankee......I will tell you why. Because they know they would get laughed right outta here. They need to focus on those who truly are trying to hurt their logo and brand, rather than the obvious TRUE Yankee. Deplorable. Good luck my friend.

  5. What a bunch of garbage. I do wish you luck though, even though I don't think you will need it. The stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.

    No worries, they are idiots!!
    As for, ONLINE BULLYING, I agree, that is terrible. Always put your best self forward. ALWAYS Be genuine and true towards others. I believe in KARMA. The big guys should stop bullying the small guys
    Great job on the new cookbook too!!

  7. Thank you everyone. Seems as though this post struck a nerve with many people.

  8. Yes, your post most definitely struck a nerve. Glad to see your on top of things. Best of luck in all your endeavors in public or the online world.

  9. You seem to have quite a following who agree with you, as I do. You have done so much good for breast cancer awareness as well as the homeless around the country. And for that, we ALL applaud you. And it is for those reasons alone, the Yankees should just turn around and stop the bullying. Bravo to you Jim. We here in Boston especially hold a special place for you and hope to see you in the summer at all the food festivals.

  10. So let me get this right. You are really a Yankee, but they arent. Something is wrong here. Boy, if I were you, I would file a similar thing against them. In other words, if they are going to waste the USPTO time with this, you should waste the courts time and file some type of frivolous law suit against them PREVENTING them from using the word YANKEE. They are not YANKEES, therefore they should not be able to call themselves that.

  11. Too bad your having such ridiculousness taking up your time. Too bad they have nothing better to do. Hang in there. Sometimes the unexpected turns out to be exactly what we needed.

  12. I am BEYOND words. I am completely dumbfounded as you are my friend. Foolishness.

  13. Jim, I have known of your grandfather, father and you, being the first Yankee Chef to the third, which is you. Not once, and nobody I have done business with over my 50 plus year in the industry have EVER confused you with those damned YANKEE wannabees in NY. How they even have the nerve to even consider this extension is not only frivolous and unfathomable, but truly a bullying tactic. I have taken the liberty to contact various news outlets and I assure you, the attention on a national level will surely get air time if this isnt resolved in your favor. Keep us abreast of this and good luck my friend.

  14. Tell them to kiss your YANKEE arse
