Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Great Talent

I have always forwarded the message of family knowledge throughout my life. I plead with people to get to know their older relatives before it is too late to know them. Over the past year, I have lived up to this principle in the way of my long lost cousin Wendell "Sonny" Austin. Although up until last week I referred to him as my uncle(with him NEVER correcting me), it showed me that relativity didn't need to be exact, as long as our hearts connected.

Wendell was born April 29th. 1935 in Maine. We had(and still have) a great loving family so when news came of his death, I was awestruck. Here is a man who always joked about his age on one hand but told me he needed to get back to work on the other. I am still awestruck at his talent over the years and especially his patriotism. He worked with Wreaths Across America with his music, never faltering in his duty not only as an American, but as a proud American. Although his music career started as Wendell Austin and The Country Swings, his life was devoted to the work of his Lord and Savior, and is known universally for his songs "Bring Bowie Home" and "The Wall".

Thank you to my cousin Maria for this photo of Wendell, Jr. in his cap and gown along with other family members, including his Dad, Wendell, Sr. in the middle.

Here is a link to two of his earlier songs, "
Two Beers To Go" and "The Battle of Viet-Nam"


The parenthesis are quotes from various emails he had sent me over our time together.


"A group from Nashville, TN will sing my "BRING ME HOME" song at this event. Hopefully the 5 or 6 film producers, who will be shooting video for use on TV, will want to use my music video DVDs on their shows....or at a later date in a special."

He was invited to a June event in Hailey, Idaho to sing "BRING BOWIE HOME" (Bowie has been a POW in Afghanistan for 4 years) but was unable to attend because

".... I am booked on that day, June 22 here in Sherman, sing at THE MOVING WALL, a Nam War memorial that travels nationwide. On June 22 I will sing two is a busy program, speakers, etc...Last week I wrote a new song to sing at this event, titled, "THE MOVING WALL".

. He did however give "them two big boxes of my audio CDs and music video DVDs to make avl to those who attend the event....somewhere around 5,000 people."


Another mention of his patriotism....."I have designed an audio CD front cover scene of his memorial...the CD label offers his contact info...and mine. and a Rock production of my song titled "VETERANS OF AMERICA" ! sung by Harry King, a well known musician and record producer.

Harry (born and raised in Maine) marred a Texas gal, now living in Texas."


Wendell kindly gave me permission to forward the lyrics as I saw fit of his "The Moving Wall".



We are gathered here today to honor the names on THE MOVING WALL

fallen heroes died for us they answered our Country's call

they have touched the hearts of millions of people including us here today

let us raise our voices upward let is sing let us say

God bless you our fallen heroes you stood proud you stood tall

we'll always remember & honor you whose names are written on


We still love you and will always miss you

you died that we might be free no one can ever take your place

you will always live in our memories


Instrumental interlude.....


You were one in a million you made us happy you made us smile

we thank God that you were with us even for just a little while

the photos of you remind us in life you always had a ball

we are sad that your name is written on THE MOVING WALL

God bless you our fallen heroes you stood proud and you stood tall

we'll always remember all of you whose names are written on


We still love you and we will always miss you

you died that we might be free no one can ever take your place

you will always live in our memories

no one will ever take your place

you will always live in our memories.


Copyright 2013 Protected 2013

Written by BMI songwriter: Wendell Austin

Peace & Freedom Music

This is just a small portion of his life and I am so excited to have had the opportunity to know him, and to love him. One of the last emails I received from him was.....

"Jim, for lunch today here is what we had:

(my own recipe)....


Oyster/Corn Chowdah

1 small can of oysters

1 can of cream corn

1 can of evaporated milk

1/2 can of water *

1/2 can of 1 % milk *

1/4 stick of butter

salt and pepper to taste

first mash the oysters into small particles

add butter (or margarine)...add heat...

add rest of ingredients

slowly heat the pot until almost too warm to eat....

do not boil !!!!!

Remove from heat.

Let set for 1/2 hour


Wendell died January 14, 2014.

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